
The Core of Zhongguancun Plaza

    Location: Zhongguancun, Beijing
    Client: Beijing Science Park Co., Ltd
    Area: 2ha
    Design: 2005




Beijing Zhongguancun Plaza is a high-tech business center. Haidian Xie Street, which ever ran diagonally through the whole region from southeast to northwest, was planned to be retained in the Zhongguancun Plaza General Plan and transformed into a public space system. However, in the construction process, this diagonal street was not fully retained in the coral area of the region. Then, Atelier DYJG was commissioned to conduct research on the region's public system, and propose how to continue this part of Haidian Xie Street.


The site, located at a crossroad, includes 4 parts and its southwestern part has already been designed and completed.



The northwestern parcel, about 6,000m2, is occupied by electrical substation, cooling tower, water treatment stations and other facilities. Landforms and vegetation are elaborately arranged in space to function as a screen between pedestrian and these facilities. The gray fence of cooling tower, made of steel plate, has a simple, pleasing shape, and the hollow-out steel plate enables air flowing to meet the cooling requirement of cooling tower. 


The Northeastern parcel, about 10,000 m2, is located in front of Zhongguancun Shopping Center. Our design is in harmony with its surrounding buildings with concise and simple form, and separates the pedestrian crossing the site apart from those staying. The front square of Shopping Center provides a gathering place and a stage for various events. The sunken square, although very simple in form language, has rich variations in elevation. Step-like lawn provides a pleasant resting area and the poplar grove separates the plaza from the streets. Located in such a bustling urban area, the whole plaza,an oasis, provides numerous potentials for people’s use.




In the southeastern part, a footpath was designed to symbolize the demolished part of Haidian Xie Street, linking the south entrance of Underground Shopping Center with the original Xie Street. When crossing the lawn, this footpath is changed to be a metal grid bridge above the lawn. This new system is independent from the original system. Sunshine and rainwater can still nourish the plants through the grid plate.


In the southeast area of Underground Shopping Center, rectilinear pavement guides the pedestrian to flood into a large square. Our design retains the original trees on both sides of the Entrance Hall, and creates a long view corridor by cutting shrubs and small trees and extending the lawn to the buildings.


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