
Jinquan River Waterfront Park

    2021国际风景园林师联合会亚太区(IFLA APR)建成类项目公园与开放空间类优秀奖
    Project location:Zhaoyuan, Shangdong Province
    Clients:Zhaoyuan Bureau of housing and planning and Construction Administration
    Design year:2017-2018
    Year Built:2020
    Award:2020 BALI National Landscape Award
    2021 IFLA APR Awards in Built-Parks and Open Space(Excellence Award)


As an important water source of Zhaoyuan city, Jinquan River originates from the southern mountainous area, meanders through the city, and flows into the northwest bay. Due to the monsoon climate, this area has heavy rainfall in summer and dry climate in autumn and winter. Therefore, the Jinquan River, which has a small watershed area and short flow, often faces the floods in rainy season and the droughts in dry season. The water level changes greatly throughout the year and cannot provide a stable water source for the city. In order to solve these problems, a reservoir on the upstream of the river was built to regulate the flow of water and to ensure the water supply; 8-level rubber dams was built in the urban river channel to dam water in ordinary time and to discharge water when the flood comes; Embankments of two levels were constructed on both sides of the river to guarantee the safety of flood discharging during the rainy season. Although these water conservancy projects ensured the city's hydrological safety, it completely changed the natural river and greatly affected the urban landscape. Some parks were built in the waterfront, but they were scattered, lacking facilities, without vitality, and did little help to change the rigid engineering features of the waterfront. 


Through careful research and interdisciplinary cooperation, landscape architects completed the master plan of the Jinquan River waterfront, in which the entire river corridor is divided into three segments—the upstream water conservation park, the urban waterfront park and the downstream wetland park. The project seeks to adopt a variety of ecological measures to integrate water project with nature, improve the waterfront landscape and redefine the active city life under the premise of effective flood control. Located in the midstream of Jinquan River and in the center of the city, with a length of 5.1 kilometers and a total area of 52.35ha, Jinquan River Waterfront Park is promoted as the first phase of the entire river corridor.

1) 连续贯通的滨水绿道 


With the rapid development of Zhaoyuan, the renewal of Jinquan riverside would become an important opportunity to improve the quality of the city, vitalize urban life, optimize urban ecology and integrate urban culture. How to improve the existing engineering embankment, how to enhance the vitality of waterfront, and how to rebuild the relationship between city and nature, are the main objectives of Jinquan River Waterfront Park. The main strategies are adopted as follows.
1) Continuous Waterfront Greenway 
Regarding the master plan, an ambitious goal is proposed which is to create a slow traffic system throughout the whole waterfront, so as to integrate the scattered green spaces on the riverside and create the most important greenway in the city. Through innovative design methods, two continuous waterfront walkways are respectively built above the once-in-10-years flood level and once-in-50-years flood level. Connections between different elevations are established in various ways including platforms, ramps and steps. The accessibility of the greenway has been sufficiently emphasized, including providing more access to ensure people easily enter the park from the city roads. At the same time, the project enables the pedestrian system to pass under the existing Bridges in each block, connecting the previously discrete riverside spaces. 





2) 充满活力的滨水空间


2) Dynamic waterfront
Considering the existing embankments and green spaces, a series of waterfront renewal modes are proposed in different sections. It distinguishes between 2 types of waterfront renewal, single-layer waterfront and double-layer waterfront. The single-layer waterfront is all above the flood level with high embankment walls. For the waterfront with limited space, the first type strategy is to increase the planting area and resting facilities to improve the quality of the existing waterfront walkway; while the second is to add the boardwalk outside the embankment wall to provide pedestrian access. For the wider waterfront, the introduction of riverside walkways and activity spaces of different elevations would bring more vitality to the waterfront. For the sections of double-layer waterfront, of which the lower layer will be flooded seasonally, the continues walkway and sufficient facilities are created on the upper revetment, while a mass of water - tolerant  plants are introduced on the lower layer, and the elevated boardwalks or paths are set up, provide more close-to-water walking and resting spaces. All waterfront renewals retain the existing revetment, retaining wall and trees as much as possible.







3) Abundant Activities

The limited waterfront space provides attractive nodes closely related to the daily life of the citizens, including popular activities for fitness, children's play, square dancing, rest in shade and so on. Abundant facilities attract high-frequency public use of the park and create opportunities for social interaction. At the same time, the park creates many multi-functional places, containing different types of activities, providing a variety of modern public lifestyle possibilities. Some of the original sculptures at the waterfront have been preserved as cultural points. A series of bronze relief plates showing the history of the city has been designed to invite citizens to experience the local culture and feel a greater sense of belonging in leisure and recreation.






4) 多个部门的共同协作


4) Cooperation with Multiple Departments

Interdisciplinary cooperation and combined efforts were exerted to create an efficient and multifunctional ecosystem to deal with flood, where engineering water project has been integrated with nature. The design team fully communicated with the relevant management departments (including the local government, water conservancy department, ecological technology company, neighborhood committee, citizens, etc.). The water conservancy department improved the urban water system, cut off the polluted water discharging into the river, and draw the reclaimed water into the river to ensure the normal water level. In addition, the design team selected proper water - tolerant plants and aquatic plants on the flood area. In this way, an ecological waterfront with vitality was provided under the premise of effective flood control.




The renewal of Jinquan River waterfront has transformed an underutilized engineering riverfront into a scenic urban green corridor with ecological, social and cultural functions, including the resilience to the flood, promoting riverfront walk, providing open spaces for public activities, ect.. It also reshapes the relationship between the city and the river. As an initiative to bring about ecological, recreational, and economic benefits to the city, Jinquan River Waterfront Park, encourages continuous improvement of the river and will serve the city for generations to come.   



Leader designer:Wang Xiangrong、Lin Qing
Design Team:Wu danzi、Li Yang、Zhang Mingran、Tan li、Jin jiaxin、Hua Rui、Chang hong、Xu lu、Han yu、Zhao zhenzhen、Li xin、Zhang xi、Jiang xin、Wang xuan、Du kai、Du hongjuan


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